3. 10. 2006
Has begun promissing – with a big fat breakfast. Afterwards we departure towards shipwreck near Dubrovnik, but luck turned her back to us – current was too strong even for our experienced crew, capable of... (we leave it to your judgment)! So we moved to ´SPILJA WHATEVER´ and begun our day swimming our nuts out. After 20 + minutes of hard swimming we reached the WHATEVER, which turned out to be quite interesting – underwater tunnel beginning at cca. 15 m and ending at 2m - at the other end of the island. During the dive one of our dive partners from France also proposed to his girlfriend, and was (his statement), luckily, successful. We guess prospective bride was too scared to turn him down at this stage of the dive.
Second dive was done on a smaller shipwreck at the same location – depth about 20 m. We fooled around the wreck for quite a while exploring underwater wildlife – our distinguished president Bronco made some (of course) brilliant photos – some of them attached!
Oh – I was told to be serious and not to make any stupid remarks about the day, but...I remembered that just now and I am to tired to write again – so you´ll have to digest these words as they are!
Tomorrow more!
Kratek prevod zgornjega texta tokrat exkluzivno za gospo Povše:
Spoštovana oče (gospodar) in mati (steber družine). Zjutraj smo se peljali mimo cerkve, ki je večja kot naša. Celi dan smo preživeli na morju. Videl sem delfina in še ene ribe. Mahal sem z rokami celo uro se nisem nič zmatral. Oni ta veliki je kar naprej nekaj hotel od mene jazu pa sem še bolj mahal. Takšen je bil prvi potop. Vmes smo jedli kekse (oni ta veliki jih je pojedel največ) in pa saj ne boš verjeli- pili vodo! (slika št.6 - jo niso hotli objavit). Če bi imel takšne roke kot Sašo bi lahko tudi jaz pojedel tri kekse! Bi še več povedal pa so mi rekli, da je bilo že vse povedano v angleškem tekstu. Se mi zdi, da lažejio, ker je zgoraj več črk kot v moji zgodbi.
Jutri ti napišemo zgodbo od Sašota!
Sašo Rink
Sa engleskog preveo:
Aleš Povše-Joda
Arhiv IAHD Adriatic
Production & design: Creativ, Novi mediji d.o.o.