Because the Bosnian do not know how to continue and go on, our famous president and I got unpossible mission to go to simposium in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The simposium had title How to go on.
Our mission was to represent work of IAHD Adriatic in Slovenia and Croatia. Snow was never a problem in EU, even in Croatia they have mentioned it but the Bosnian no. They can not make money out of it so they do not mention it. That was the reason that after all the short cuts and short stops we were driving for nine hours and we arrived for dinner full of potatoe and seakale beet (blitva).
Righ after that the simposium started and the president of BIH diving union started with his for ever talk that no one understand but all claped their hands. And so on. I must say that it was sunny but we were freezing. An interesting part was when our president got bigger applause than theirs. There was again a lot of potatoe and seakale beet for dinner. After all that we needed another nine hours to get back to EU. We were also throwing snowballs at eachother, had a good lunch and we took some great photos. I must say that it was very tiring but nice. But the mission was completed - they found out about us and our work.
Assistant of peoples hero: sarg. m. ®. Srečković - Stari.
9. 03. 2008
Production & design: Creativ, Novi mediji d.o.o.