Trip to Russia was this time justified by many objectives.
- Miran Gorinšek, Mayor of the Municipality Slovenske Konjice,
- Branko Ravnak, President of IAHD Adriatic and Swimming Club Slovenske Konjice,
- Alenka Fidler, secretary of IAHD Adriatic and Swimming Club Slovenske Konjice
Signature of the Charter on cooperation between Star City and Slovenske Konjice
Cooperation between Star City and Slovenske Konjice began in 2013, when members of a Swimming Club Slovenske Konjice first visited Star City. The purpose of the visit was to enable diving to persons with disabilities and their assistants in the hydro-lab, in which astronauts train for work in the universe. The dive was very resounding and well covered by the media, because we were the first tourists, who were allowed to immerse in it the holy water.
Cooperation between the cities was strengthened by the visit of representatives of the Star City on the 7th festival of underwater film and photo Walks under the sea in January 2015 in Slovenske Konjice, where we agreed on further cooperation.
The charter on cooperation of Star City and the town of Slovenske Konjice was signed by the mayor of Star City, Valeri Ivanovich Tokarev, and the mayor of the Municipality of Slovenske Konjice, Miran Gorinšek, 23. 4. 2015. At the signing of the charter was also present mag. Primož Šeligo, extraordinary and authorized ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in the Russian federation, Andrew Banutai, first secretary at the embassy, Valentin Gregorievich Stashevskiy, president of the Confederation Russe Des Activities Subaquatiques CRASA, Tatiana and Vladimir Annanjev, the representatives of the foundation Dostupnaja Srijeda ,the members of the diving club Aqua Globus from Anapa and members of the Swimming Club Slovenske Konjice.
On this occasion, the Slovenian delegation received the decoration at the 55-anniversary of the Russian national diving federation. The decoration was presented by Valentin Stashevskiy, president of CRASA.
The visit began with the traditional commemoration and laying flowers at the monument of Yuri Gagarin. Traditionally, all Russian astronauts before flight into the universe honor the memory of Gagarin in front of the monument also. Everything continued with expert excursion around Star City by visiting the museum Of Gagarin, and facilities for the schooling of astronauts, and ended with a social meeting in a pleasant atmosphere.
Valeri Ivanovich Tokarev, which is considered as one of the world´s best astronauts, has proven to be an excellent host, and we can only hope that He will honour us by visiting Slovenia as soon as possible.
The visit to the fair for rehabilitation Integration.Life.Society
30. 04. 2015
Production & design: Creativ, Novi mediji d.o.o.