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Stracimir GOSOVIC, Md, PhD

Professor Stracimir Gosovic, Md, PhD,
was born on December 25th 1927, is the founder, and was for many years the director of the Department for Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine of the Naval Medical Institute in Split, Croatia. He is fonder of contemporary underwater and hyperbaric medicine on the area of ex Yugoslavia. He started with hyperbaric medicine as a scientific and medico-clinical discipline in 1969 and with contemporary deep diving activity including open sea saturation diving in 1977. In this time between modern navies before Yugoslav Navy saturation diving technology accepted and practiced only US Navy and Marin National Français. He also organized modern Submarine Rescue Service and Training Center 1982. in Divulje (Split).
During his very long professional career he wrote and published near 120 professional and scientific papers and nearly ten books as single author and participates in writing more than then book, manuals and university textbooks. Among which he wrote Ronjenje u Sigurnosti (“Safe Diving”), 500 pages. This book went through 5 updated and expanded editions in Croatian language during the period 1971-1991. The Safe Diving was also published in English, in 1993, by Best Publishing Company, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. He have also published in Croatian Military and Professional Diving Manual, 1997, circa 700 pages and Fundamentals of Naval and Underwater Medicine with Protection of Respiratory System, 2000, 194 pages.





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