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Russia-Estonia 2018
19. 08. 2018
With a van to Russia and back. Due to unforeseen events, we have made some redundant and unnecessary turns too. Diving expedition. No kidding, diving? But you did only two dives within sixteen days. It´s not a diving expedition. It ... more »
15th International "Day witouth wheelchair"
14. 07. 2018
A day without a wheelchair is getting more and more mature. This time, socializing stepped forward and moved from the swimming pool into nature. The meeting was held on the coast of the lake in Kocevje. It is the bottom of the opencast mining, in which ... more »
A Summer day with diving for children with physical disabilities
21. 06. 2018
Members of IAHD Adriatic responded to the invitation of Tanja Babnik from Primary School Ledina (hospital school divisions) and URI Soca, to take care of the activities at the final sports excursion of children with a physical disability called A Summer ... more »
Diving Camp Kraljevica 2018
2. 05. 2018
The diving camp in Kraljevica, which was held between April 27th and May 2nd, 2018 at the KPA ADRIA, set two new milestones in the world of diving – disabled people entered the world of underwater photography and apnea.... more »
The 1st Apnea course for people after spinal cord injury
14. 04. 2018
Začetki potapljanja na vdih segajo daleč nazaj, v leto 2005, ko sta se v statični apneji v Mariborskem Pristanu pod vodstvom Jureta Daiča potopila Aleš Povše Yoda in Iztok Owen Izy. Že takrat sta oba v statiki zdržala več kot 2 minuti. Drugi poskus se ... more »
Ice diving in Rudnik lake
11. 03. 2018
Leta 2012 smo premaknili meje potapljanja oseb po poškodbi hrbtenjače za kar nekaj korakov. Takrat smo se za namene longitudinalne študije o vplivih hladne vode na telo potapljačev s poškodbo hrbtenjače prvič potopili pod led. ... more »
10th International Underwater Photo & Film Festival Walking beneath the Sea
3. 02. 2018
Ten years. Ten Honorable years of the International Film and Photo Festival Walking beneath the Sea. Especially respectful because the festival still depends on the kindness of sponsors and donors, and, of course, volunteers who are slowly losing their ... more »
Walking beneath the Sea - International Children Art contest
2. 02. 2018
On the 7th Art Contest Walking beneath the Sea (Sprehodi pod morjem) took part 1218 pupils from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia and Montenegro.   All ... more »
NATO Charity Bazaar
29. 01. 2018
Nato Charity Bazaar is a non-profit organization that, with the help of numerous events and donations, helps various organizations in Europe to carry out humanitarian projects. The Swimming Club of Slovenske Konjice also became part of this great family. In ... more »
Diving day for children with disabilities
14. 11. 2017
Učenci in učitelji OŠ Pod goro, podružnice V Parku, so nas povabili, da v okviru njihove šole v naravi izvedemo športni dan v bazenu na Debelem Rtiču. Učenci so že naši stari znanci, saj so svoj pogum preizkušali že oktobra v Laškem.   Športni ... more »
Pilot project: Therapeutic scuba diving for mentally challenged pupils in primary schools with an adaptive program
19. 10. 2017
On Thursday, October 19th, 2017, a pilot project Therapeutic scuba diving for mentally challenged pupils in primary schools with an adaptive program was held at the Zdravilisce Lasko - Thermana.... more »
First International Conference on Diving for Persons with Disabilities in Taiwan
25. 09. 2017
The first international conference on Diving for Persons with Disabilities was held in Taiwan from 23rd to 25th of September 2017, under the auspices of ... more »
International working weekend in Serbia: IDA method in practice and sport diving for persons with disabilities
17. 09. 2017
In September 2017 between 14th and 17th in Kikinda, the first international working weekend event took place: Method IDA and Diving with Disabilities, which brought together dive instructors and assistants and divers ... more »
Diving with members of the Soncek Posavje Society
27. 08. 2017
Natasa Solumun invited members of IAHD Adriatic to spend the last weekend in August with members of the Soncek Posavje Society on the island of Pasman. Due to the very good experience from several years ago, when ... more »
14th International Day witouth wheelchair
16. 07. 2017
On Sunday, July 16th, 2017, people with disabilities and their companions gathered a public swimming pool in Slovenska Bistrica. On this occasion, The Day without a Wheelchair marked the introduction of the activities ... more »
Diving in Rovinj - Bale
12. 07. 2017
Although in July, due to crowds, diving and training for independent diving is usually not high on the list of our activities, the hot summer days have lured us to Bale near Rovinj. ... more »
First international diving camp for people with disabilities in Serbia "Kikinda 2017"
18. 06. 2017
Between 16th and 18th of June 2017, the first international diving camp for people with disabilities in Serbia Kikinda 2017 took place in the Sports Center Jezero in Kikinda, under the leadership ... more »
IAHD Adriatic in CMAS Commissions
4. 05. 2017
At the CMAS election assembly, it was decided: Anna Arzhanova remains the CMAS president for the next four years.   This assembly will also be written in golden ... more »
First steps of diving for disabled people in Banja Luka
9. 04. 2017
In the diving club BUK from Banja Luka, at the initiative of Prim. Dr. Snezana Kutlesic - Stevic the decision was made to bring the underwater world closer to people with disabilities. They invited IAHD Adriatic to carry out this task.IAHD Adriatic has ... more »
9th International underwater film and photo festival "Walking beneath the Sea"
28. 01. 2017
International Festival of Underwater Film and Photography Walking under the Sea, the name of the festival was loaned by prof. Dusan Kuscer and Marjan Richter, two pioneers in the exploration of the underwater world, completed the elementary school, which ... more »
6th Art Contest "Walking beneath the Sea"
27. 01. 2017
In September 2016 we opened applications for 6th Art Contest under the theme Walking beneath the Sea (Sprehodi pod morjem). We invited primary schools from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. At the end ... more »
Disabled diver around the world – French Polynesia
4. 09. 2016
To make experience such as rodeo on a rubber boat I had to travel to the other end of the world. Without Branka, of course, it would not work. Preparations for the journey were profound and long-term. When everything ... more »
New SCUBA divers from Fire brigade Zrece
31. 08. 2016
Zrece can finally be proud of a first group of firemen who are also divers. ... more »
13th International "Day witouth wheelchair"
9. 07. 2016
On 8th of July 2016 at the city swimming pool in Slovenske Konjice Plavalni klub Slovenske Konjice and Association of paraplegics Jugozahodne Stajerske with Association of paraplegics of Slovenia and IAHD Adriatic have prepared 13th event Day without ... more »
1st international competition in sport diving for disabled divers
29. 06. 2016
On the occasion of fifth anniversary, in the Russian cradle of diving for persons with disabilities in the Russian Anapa on the Black Sea, Foundation Dostupnaya sredaorganized the first international diving competition for Persons with Disabilities, ... more »
8th "Walking beneath the Sea"
30. 01. 2016
8th international underwater film and photo festival Walking beneath the Sea, ... more »
5th Art Contest "Walking beneath the Sea"
29. 01. 2016
In September 2015 we opened applications for 5th Art Contest under the theme Walking beneath the Sea (Sprehodi pod morjem). We invited primary schools from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Russia. At the end 1032 pupils ... more »
Diving holidays in Egypt
10. 10. 2015
God of the ocean Poseidon called me and Branka in the underwater world of the Red Sea this time. Together with Branka We responded to his call and between 3 and 10 October 2015 spent a diving holiday under the hot desert sun in Safaga. Before the flight ... more »
Committed to steps - Predani korakom"
24. 09. 2015
Invitation of Tanja Babnik from Primary School Ledina (hospital school divisions) to participate in the project “Predani korakom” (Committed to steps) surprised us, since IAHD Adriatic rather than steps ... more »
1. 08. 2015
A decade ago for us it was a remarkable  achievement  to dive in the Adriatic Sea, we after all the pain of many and challenging dives in cold water, at the Festival “Walking beneath the Sea” learned a new alluring  location, ... more »
12th Interntional Day without wheelchair
10. 07. 2015
12th International Day without a wheelchairThe area of Municipal swimming pool in Slovenske Konjice was on Friday, 10 July 2015, the scene of the 12th International ... more »
Opening of diving season 2015
7. 06. 2015
After a long break however, we managed to dive again. Alenka Fidler has finally completed her master degree which should be completed eleven years ago. Multiannual hibernation, when diving is concerned, also ended for ... more »
National Swimming Championships for the disabled in Radovljica
31. 05. 2015
In 2013 Peter Majcen - LG attended the national championships for the first time as a supporter and photographer. This year for the first time Peter participated as a competitor, as a member of the Swimming Club Slovenske ... more »
IAHD Adriatic in Moscow and Star City
30. 04. 2015
Trip to Russia was this time justified by many objectives.... more »
7th Walking beneath the Sea
1. 02. 2015
Six full years have passed since the first festival of underwater film and video Walking under the sea, which was ... more »
Art contest Walking Beneath the Sea
27. 01. 2015
In September 2014 we opened applications for 4th Art Contest under the theme Walking Beneath the Sea (Sprehodi pod morjem). We invited primary schools from Slovenia, Croatia and some from Serbia. At ... more »
Y-40 The Deep Joy Adventure
22. 11. 2014
Ten years ago in Brussels opened officially the deepest pool in the world, ... more »
Buterflies into the blue
28. 08. 2014
ŽELVICE IN ŽELVE Z ŽELVAMIAli drugače… Kako so štiri dekleta prepotovale preko pet tisoč kilometrov, da bi lahko plavale in se potapljale z velikimi morskimi želvami.Ozadje zgodbe, vam izdam scenarij dolgometražnega dokumentarnega filma, ... more »
11th International Day without wheelchair
11. 07. 2014
Od začetka potapljanja ljudi po poškodbi hrbtenjače je minilo že več kot 12 let. Skoraj tako dolgo Plavalni klub Slovenske Konjice in Društvo paraplegikov jugozahodne Štajerske ob podpori Občine Slovenske Konjice in Zveze paraplegikov Slovenije organizirata ... more »
Natalia Shavel - first Belarus disabled female SCUBA diver
21. 06. 2014
Celotna zgodba se je pričela, ko nas je profesor Dimitrij Mancevic poklical in čisto naravnost vprašal ali smo pripravljeni potopiti eno izmed njegovih varovank, plavalk, ki je na pripravah z belorusko plavalno reprezentanco v Termah Ptuj. Odzvali smo ... more »
Eko akcija Ljubljanica
19. 04. 2014
Aleš Povše Yoda je ugotovil, da se poletje in s tem topla voda približuje s turbo hitrostjo, zato je še pred poletjem želel občutiti hlad ene izmed slovenskih rek. Ljubljanica, v kateri še ni bil nikoli, je s povabilom na eko akcijo bila kot nalašč zato. ... more »
18. 03. 2014
As part of the Paralympic winter games in Sochi has International Association for Handicapped Divers Adriatic (IAHD Adriatic) between March 13 and March 16 2014 presented recreational SCUBA diving for handicapped divers. ... more »
6th International Festival of Underwater Film & Photography "Walking Beneath the Sea"
1. 02. 2014
This year’s 6th international festival of underwater film and photography “Walking beneath the Sea” has almost turned into “Walking on the ice”. Although the conditions on Slovenian streets were icy, lovers of ... more »
Art Contest - Walking Beneath the Sea
30. 01. 2014
In September 2013 we opened applications for 3rd Art Contest under the theme Walking Beneath the Sea (Sprehodi pod morjem). We invited primary schools from Slovenia, Croatia and some from Russia. At the end ... more »
Russian invasion
9. 11. 2013
Med 28. oktobrom in 6. novembrom se je v Sloveniji mudila petčlanska delegacija iz Rusije, ki jo je vodil predsednik ruske zveze za šport invalidov gospod Flyur Nurligayanov. Namen obiska je bil spoznati možnosti, ki jih Slovenija nudi na področju rehabilitacije ... more »
From wheelchair under the surface to meet science demands
13. 10. 2013
Handicapped divers form Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia spend the weekend together with scientists from Faculty of Medicine Ljubljana at the diving centre in Kostrena, Croatia. The purpose of ... more »
Diving camp ANAPA
2. 10. 2013
We visited Russia once more. This time we visited Anapa where the first international diving camp was organised by diving club Aqua Globus and where at the same time a conference on overcoming the obstacles for handicapped divers took place. The participants ... more »
Srečanje nacionalnih organizacij paraplegikov in tetraplegikov iz držav jugovzhodne Evrope
27. 09. 2013
Zveza paraplegikov Slovenije je od 27. 9. do 2. 10. 2013 v Domu paraplegikov Pacug gostila mednarodno srečanje nacionalnih organizacij paraplegikov in tetraplegikov iz držav jugovzhodne Evrope. V sklopu tega srečanja sta Damjan Peklar, prvi inštruktor ... more »
12th Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation - EFRR
13. 09. 2013
The European Forum for research in Rehabilitation (EFRR) is the major multidisciplinary rehabilitation research forum in Europe. Originally formed in 1983, it has members from all parts of Europe. The purpose of EFRR is to advance research and education ... more »
Novi borac u hrvatskom ringu ronioca invalida – Emil Baliga Klitschko
8. 09. 2013
Nakon 2008 godine, Hrvati mogu ponovo da se diče sa novim roniocem sa invaliditetom koji je neposredni evolucijski „milestone“ OSI-ja. Ako je vjerovati ameru Musi meliju oni ce nas pretječi za par godina u svemu. Kako stvari idu zadnjih dvadeset ... more »
8. eko akcija Trebizat
13. 07. 2013
Leto je hitro naokoli in zopet je prispelo vabilo iz  potapljaškega društva Šrek Vidra Ljubuški iz Hercegovine na Eko akcijo. Lanska udeleženca, Alenka Fidler in Aleš Povše – Yoda, tokrat sploh nisva razmišljala, ... more »
Day Without a Wheelchair
12. 07. 2013
Za nami je že 10. jubilejni dan brez vozička. Tudi tokrat v organizaciji Plavalnega kluba Slovenske Konjice in Društva paraplegikov Jugozahodne Štajerske ter ob podpori Zveze paraplegikov Slovenije in upravljavca kopališča. Na kopališču v Slovenskih ... more »
Gruner see – Field Research Study
6. 07. 2013
Gruner see – Field Research Study Po seriji sramežljivih poizkusov, ki so se pričeli že v letu 2012 v Kočevju s potopom pod led in nadaljevali z božičnim potopom v reko Vipavo, nadaljevali z novoletnim potopom v Velenjsko jezero in v reko Krko ... more »
Moscow and Star city
30. 04. 2013
Our fairy tale started already a year or two back, when Branko mentioned that one of our future goals is to visit the Star City and to dive in the Hydrolab, which ... more »
Space dive in Star city: Diving beyond the boundaries of the possible
30. 04. 2013
Members of the International Association for Handicapped Divers IAHD Adriatic were invited by several Russian umbrella diving and disability organisations to visit Moscow and Star City from 26th to 30th of April 2013. Among ... more »
Paradivers to dive Russia´s Star City Cosmonaut Center
26. 04. 2013
Disabled Slovenian diving group IAHD Adriatic granted permission to dive unique site Damjan Peklar is a man who does many things. He has jumped out of airplanes, rides motorcycles, and cuts through ice to dive. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget ... more »
Washing machine in the Maldives
19. 02. 2013
With the help of donors (Vladka, Stanko, Nina, Branka, Zvonka and Rados), Branka and I flew to the Maldives. This time we chose diving on the island, which is part of the Southern Malle Atol. Flight via Vienna to Male ... more »
5th International underwater film festival and satellite meeting the 9th Symposium Diving AST
2. 02. 2013
This year’s festival stepped with small but determined steps and different approach next to the side of bigger and more prestige festivals. In three days the festival enthralled more than 1300 sea lovers from broaden Adriatic region. After two ... more »
Opening Diving Season Novo mesto 2013
12. 01. 2013
S potopom v reko Krko v Novem mestu smo dopolnili svoje izkušnje s še tretjo zimsko potapljaško klasiko. V čudovitem sončnem vremenu, zima se je očitno odločila, da še malo počaka, se je kar trlo potapljačev, zato smo tudi mi tokrat okrepili svojo ekipo ... more »
New Year Dive in Velenje lake
1. 01. 2013
Skoraj leto dni je minilo od potopa pod led v Kočevsko Rudniško jezero. Lansko leto je vsak potop, ko je voda imela manj kot 20 stopinj (ali malo manj), veljal kot ekstremen. Ampak z našo vztrajnostjo (tu je kriva predvsem Alenka, ki nas res tera), smo ... more »
Christmas Dive in Vipava River
22. 12. 2012
Za nami je leto premikanja mej in ekstremnih potopov. Če smo sezono odprli s potopom pod led, je bilo za zaključek potrebno opraviti vsaj nekaj podobnega. V ta namen je prišel 22. božični potop v Renčah kot naročen. Tako smo se v mrzlem in zasneženem ... more »
Aktuelnosti u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju
15. 12. 2012
Med 14. in 15. decembrom 2012 je v Šabcu v Srbiji potekalo prvo strokovno-znanstveno srečanje z mednarodno udeležbo, ki se je ukvarjalo z novostmi v izobraževanju in rehabilitaciji  pri osebah z motnjami v razvoju.  Na srečanju so sodelovali ... more »
Seminar ljećnika, instruktora i voditelja ronjenja HRS - Zagreb 7.- 9. 12. 2012
8. 12. 2012
Nakon dve sušne godine IAHD Adriatic ponovo se našao na godišnjem skupu lječnika, instruktora i voditelja ronjenja najveće regijske ronilačke organizacije HRS. Hrvatski ronilački savez kao većina ronilačkih saveza na prostoru bivše ... more »
Pravljica o povodnem mozu - 2. del
10. 11. 2012
Za snemanje drugega dela materiala za kratki dokumentarni film o integraciji invalidov v družbo skozi potapljanje sta ostala na voljo zgolj dva dni na štirih lokacijah. Kostanjevica na Krki, Terme Zreče, Mestno kopališče Slovenske Konjice in Pristan ... more »
Pravljica o povodnem mozu - 1. del
19. 10. 2012
19.10.2012 Piran in okolica razgibane miniaturne slovenske obale ali Našega morja, kot je dal naslov svoji knjigi Marjan Richter, je bila prizorišče snemanja prve polovice kratkega dokumentarnega filma o integraciji invalidov skozi potapljanje v ... more »
Therapeutical Diving
12. 10. 2012
On the 12th October members of IAHD Adriatic have a special opportunity to introduce scuba diving to people with mental disabilities who are members of Soncek from Posavje. The crime was made in a small village Leskovec near Krsko, where the primary ... more »
International diving camp for disabled divers
21. 09. 2012
Between 16 and 22 October we organized the international diving camp for disabled divers from Slovenia (Damjan Peklar, Ales Povse Yoda, Igor Krisch, Peter Majcen), Croatia (Ivo Lovrenovic) and Russia (Nikita Vankov). After the initial incident with ... more »
EUBS 2012 - Belgrade
12. 09. 2012
Between 12 and 15 September the 38th annual scientific meeting EUBS (European Underwater and Baromedical Society), which applies to the World Congress of Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine, was in Belgrade in Serbia. More than 300 participants from ... more »
9th International Day without wheelchair
13. 07. 2012
It was that ominous day in the calendar, which is due to old superstitions fears many people - Friday the 13th. But for the organizers of the 9th International Day without wheelchair and for nearly forty participants from Slovenia, ... more »
Eco action in Herzegovina
7. 07. 2012
We decided to respond to the invitation to the eco action of the river Trebizat organized by Diving Club Srek Vidra Ljubuski in Herzegovina. An international team which traveled 600 km far for only three days, consisted of Ivo Lovrenovic (paraplegic ... more »
Grunner See - part 2
1. 06. 2012
Yoda was talking about his secret adventure in Gruner See with such enthusiasm that also Damjan, the first CMAS instructor with spinal cord injury wanted to experience that. So Diving at Gruner See must be repeated.... more »
Gruner See - part 1
27. 05. 2012
27th of May 2012 will be written with golden letters in the history of people after spinal cord injury.  Diving in sweet lake that can only happen once a year was the last of the objectives that we have not achieved yet in ten years ... more »
Disabled divers under the ice
25. 02. 2012
On 25th of February five divers with spinal cord injury from Slovenia and Croatia (Damjan Peklar, Klaudija Poropat, Ales Povse - Yoda, Peter Majcen - LG, Ivo Lovrenovic) diving under the ice, in the lake Rudnisko jezero in Kocevje. It is the ... more »
20. 02. 2012
Ponosni smo, da je član Mednarodne zveze IAHD Adriatic prejel najvišje rusko nacionalno priznanje Podvodni mir v kategoriji Potapljaški inštruktor za leto 2011, ki je bilo svečano podeljeno v Moskvi v Gostivnih dvorih, 17. februarja 2012. Poleg te nagrade ... more »
Saturday evening
28. 01. 2012
BR>International festival of underwater film and video in its fourth edition took place in a small but old Slovenian city Slovenske Konjice. In three days (between 26th and 28th of February) nearly thousand of participants enjoyed in a great variety ... more »
Friday evening
27. 01. 2012
International festival of underwater film and video in its fourth edition took place in a small but old Slovenian city Slovenske Konjice. In three days (between 26th and 28th of February) nearly thousand of participants enjoyed in a great variety ... more »
Prof. dr. Stracimir Gosovic - interview
21. 12. 2011
... more »
26. 09. 2011
Pred par dnevi, bolj točno v ponedeljek, 26. septembra, je prof. dr. Stracimir Gošović potapljaški skupnosti vrnil v uporabo posodobljeno »biblijo potapljanja« in marsikomu vzel sapo, saj je pri svojih 84. letih temeljito ... more »
Day of JRM
10. 09. 2011
For beter understaning juz Gugl translejt. Povodom dana JRM u jadransko more kojeg dio je i slovensko more u hrvatskom gradiću Kostrena, potopili smo trećeg hrvatskog ronioca sa SCI – Bijelog miša. Bijeli miš je laboratorijski proizvod ... more »
Kombiniran instruktorski tečaj za ronioce KPA Zadar
7. 08. 2011
Prvi vikend u kolovozu bit će u analima IAHD Adriatic upisan kao prekretnica rada sa invalidima. Naime toga dana je grupa sastavljena od šestorice ronioca položila ispit za instruktore M1 no, da su oni iz Slovenije priča ne bi bila zanimljiva. Šestorica ... more »
8th International "Day without a wheelchair"
22. 07. 2011
On the 22nd of July swimming pool in Slovenske ... more »
9. 07. 2011
Second Saturday in July, in the home resort Semic managed by Paraplegic Association of Slovenia, met newly minted instructors IAHD Adriatic from Slovenia and Croatia.   After a short cultural program followed the granting of diplomas and certificates. ... more »
Международный семинар инструкторов КМАС
3. 07. 2011
В соответствии с Конвенцией ООН о правах инвалидов ... more »
Press conference
15. 06. 2011
On the 15th of June 2011 IAHD Adriatic organized the press conference to present Damjan Peklar, the first one star instructor with SCI in history of CMAS. Speakers on the conference were:- Damjan Peklar, the first one star instructor ... more »
The first one star instructor with SCI in history of CMAS
20. 05. 2011
Damjan Peklar who is the member of the Swimming Club Slovenske ... more »
3rd International If I Can Drive, I Can Dive
12. 04. 2011
On the 12th of April 2011 IAHD Adriatic organized the 3rd International event If I Can Drive, I Can Dive in Maribor ... more »
1st diving expedition divers with SCI in Cuba
15. 12. 2010
Dan 1. (02.12.2010.) Za mene, koja baš u životu nisam puno putovala, vijest, da ću jednoga dana roniti na Kubi, djelovala je prilično nestvarno. ... more »
"Special Award" for If I Can Drive, I Can Dive and Peter Lombar
12. 12. 2010
Movie If I Can Drive, ... more »
"Prix Expression Libre" for If I Can Drive, I Can Dive and Peter Lombar
31. 10. 2010
The 37th world festival of underwater film and photography Le Festival Mondial de l´image sous-marine was held in Marseille in France ... more »
EUBS 2010 - 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Underwater and Baromedical Society
18. 09. 2010
IAHD Adriatic je po dolgih letih ilegale prvič skočil na enega največjih svetovnih strokovnih kongresov že lani v Aberdeenu in če so se takrat šibila kolena in tresel glas je bilo letos vse skupaj veliko bolj umirjeno pa vendar nič manj stresno zahvaljujoč ... more »
Return to the Sea
30. 08. 2010
Prošlo je skoro dvije godine od kako je Goran po prvi put nakon povrijede zaronio u bazenu i skoro dvije godine kako je odlučio da se vrati u podmorje. U međuprostoru kako sam kaže skakao je iz svega što leti i sa visina ... more »
28. 08. 2010
Tekst možete čitati samo na približnom srpskom jer iako ga prevedom na engleski vi nečete imati pojma o čemu se radi. Al uvijek možete da nas pitate o čemu je riječ pa čemo vam rado odgovoriti.   Predsjednik ugledne međunarodne organizacije ... more »
Short movie
24. 08. 2010
IAHD Adriatic declared topic of a large group of divers diving with SCI in EUBS 2010 (36th Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical ... more »
The 7th International Day witouth Wheelchair
16. 07. 2010
On the 16th of July Paraplegic Association of Slovenia with support of Swimming Club Slovenske Konjice and others (IAHD Adriatic, Drustvo paraplegikov jugovzhodne Stajerske, ... more »
Drill diving in Kostrena
3. 07. 2010
With sun on our side and work in mind a smaller group of IAHD members (Alenka and Tatjana and Slavc and me) went to visit our old friend – underwater wall in Kostrena. Tatjana have to do some exercises but nevertheless she shined with her persisting ... more »
Diving camp Dubrovnik
27. 06. 2010
June 19th to 27th 2010 Dive season in „Geronimo“ Dive Club has continued ... more »
Eco Action Kostanjevica na Krki
12. 06. 2010
The 14th traditional eco action Kostanjevica na Krki was on the 12th of June. Diving club Vidra Krsko (Otter Krsko) invited ... more »
11. 06. 2010
JACQUES-YVES COUSTEAU was born 100 years ago in Saint-Andre-de-Cubzac, Gironde department, France, 11 June 1910. Educated at Stanislas Academy in Paris, Bachelier, 1930; Ecole Navale in Brest, France, France´s naval academy, 1933. Married ... more »
Diving Camp Veli Losinj
6. 06. 2010
June, 2nd to 6th 2010, „Geronimo“ Dive Club organized dive excursion to island Losinj for 19 club members. Weather was good, despite all bad predictions although the sea was a little bit „refreshing“. ... more »
Film The Choice of SCI Divers on the CMAS web paige
25. 05. 2010
Film The Choice of SCI Divers: Elhawi Star, Sigrid and Lina is on the CMAS web paige:   http://www.cmas.org/photo_video_gallery.php  ... more »
If I Can Drive I Can Dive - No Matter What They Tell Us ...
18. 05. 2010
No matter what they tell us No matter what they do No matter what they teach us What we believe is true   No matter what they call us However they attack No matter where they take us We´ll find our own way ... more »
CMAS GA, Rome 2010
30. 04. 2010
2010 General Assembly Ends with Important Decisions and Convincing Unity •The new Secretary General Mr. Alessandro Zerbi from the Monaco Federation approved by the General Assembly •Improved 2009 Balance got an ... more »
Eco Action in Medulin
24. 04. 2010
Diving Club “Geronimo” took part in second eco-action this year, this time in Medulin. This event was organised by Municipality of Medulin and diving centre “Shark”. About 40 divers from Istria, 15 from DC “Geronimo” ... more »
8th International Symposium "Diving AST 2010"
6. 02. 2010
8th International symposium DIVING AST 2010 as central academic and social divers’ event took place in Zreče on the 6th of February 2010.  The organizer of the symposium was International association IAHD Adriatic. Symposium was ... more »
Evaluation of Dive Computers
5. 02. 2010
One of the accompanying event of the 8th International Symposium«Diving AST 2010« was Friday’s workshop »Evaluation of Dive Computers« where lead scientists in the field of Physiology of diving exchanged opinions ... more »
2nd International Festival of Underwater Film & Video "Sprehodi pod morjem"
5. 02. 2010
2nd international festival of underwater film and video »Sprehodi pod morjem” (Walks under the Sea) was one of the accompanying events of the 8th International Symposium “Diving AST ... more »
"Josip Juraj Strossmayer" award to Stracimir and Gojko Gosovic
21. 11. 2009
Within the scope of Inetrliber Fair, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Zagreb Fair in the Illyrian Hall ... more »
Croatian Protour 2009
20. 11. 2009
... more »
Return of the Warrior
29. 10. 2009
Prošlo je gotovo godinu dana i Faca se vratio na mjesto »zločina«, da još jednom uvjeri one sa zapada, da za njega nema granice. Skočio bi on i sa „spejs šatla“ ako bi zato postojala mogućnost.No kako smo mi asocijacija, koja ... more »
Fot The First Time
7. 10. 2009
In three autumn meetings in the program Diving as part of rehabilitation we made big progress: - For the first time Breda ... more »
Mlini near Dubrovnik 2009
25. 09. 2009
Between 19th and 23rd of September 2009 Mlini near Dubrovnik was our diving destination for ... more »
If I can Drive I can Dive
12. 09. 2009
Since we have no money for official translation, we use Google and the result is quite interesting. If you don’t understanding, try to learn some Slovene.  Members of the International Association IAHD Adriatic and DCK - Diving Center ... more »
Annual Scientific Meeting (EUBS 2009) in Aberdeen
31. 08. 2009
The European Underwater and Baromedical Society Annual Scientific Meeting (EUBS 2009) were in King´s College, University ... more »
6th International "Day without a wheelchair"
17. 07. 2009
On the 17th of July Swimming Club Slovenske Konjice with support of Paraplegic Association from Slovenia and others (Društvo paraplegikov jugovzhodne Stajerske, Institute of Sport from Slovenske Konjice, Community ... more »
Diving Demonstration in Pacug
24. 06. 2009
The house of Paraplegic Association of Slovenia in Pacug was the place, where we prepared, on the 24th of June 2009, diving demonstration for young people who became invalids in the year 2008 or 2009. ... more »
Divesystem College & Monte Argentario Expedition 2009
19. 06. 2009
On the 14th of June 2009 we started our journey from Slovenia to Tuscany. ... more »
Season 2008/2009
9. 06. 2009
In the school year 2008/2009 almost every Tuesday Breda, Darinko, Fredi, Miran, Rozita and Daniela enjoyed at the swimming pool.   Everything is on the pictures.    ... more »
Disabled Diving Demonstration for Lions Clubs
5. 06. 2009
In the beginning of June members of all Lions Clubs from Slovenia had sailing regatta on ... more »
29. 05. 2009
Friday the 29th of May was the day that we have been expecting at least for the last five years. She came out from nowhere, she’s driving the car, she’s independent, she’s not afraid to get wet and she’s much more cute than ... more »
Diving As A Part Of Rehabilitation
28. 05. 2009
The first part of the project “Diving as a part of rehabilitation” is over. We will see each other in October!        ... more »
Krka River
23. 05. 2009
Saturday 23rd of May we spend in Kostanjevica on River Krka. It was for 13th time in a row that we gathered there for cleaning the bottom of river Krka. Once a year for the last twelve years divers from Slovenia are removing trash from the Krka ... more »
50th Anniversary of C.M.A.S. and Voting GA – Phuket
5. 05. 2009
Between 2nd and 9th of May TDA hosted the C.M.A.S. GA and organized the celebration of 50th Anniversary of C.M.A.S. on Phuket, Thailand. Since there were elections during GA most of the representatives of 137 federations appeared in Phuket. Slovenia ... more »
If I Can Drive, I Can Dive
14. 04. 2009
On 14th of April 2009 there was the international project If I Can Drive I Can Dive, which took place in ... more »
LIDS 2009 - London International Dive Show
30. 03. 2009
Last weekend we visited the opening of British diving season. The presence was a giant step for small organization. We met Scuba Trust and we stayed alive. We made contact with exceptional person – Mr. Paul Rose and we are sill impressed. We saw ... more »
7th International Symposium "Diving AST 2009"
14. 02. 2009
It has been over six years since around twenty-five enthusiasts started to talk about possibility of diving for people with special needs on the 1st International Symposium in organization of Swimming club Slovenske Konjice. Only »international« ... more »
Diving AST 2009 - Accompanying Events
13. 02. 2009
Accompanying events of the 7th International Symposium Diving AST 2009 started on Friday, 13th of February. Decompression Practice, round-table In Hotel Dravinja in Slovenske Konjice ... more »
West of Eden
24. 01. 2009
The article is in one of European languages. Enjoy the reading.     Kot nekateri že veste (drugi boste pa pravkar izvedeli), sem ... more »
Little red nose
16. 12. 2008
In The Day Care Center “Cebela” in Slovenske Konjice we presented what we do every Thursday in the swimming pool. Breda, ... more »
Primary School For Children with Special Needs Visited Us
2. 12. 2008
Children from the Primary school Glazija Celje (the school for children with special needs) joined us at the swimming pool. Because they have their own swimming pool they wanted to see other things which they could do in the swimming pool. Miran impressed ... more »
Autom in Zrece
25. 11. 2008
We looked under the water also this year. Fish and crustaceans have them hidden, but everything else is much more interesting.    ... more »
Protour in Croatia
7. 11. 2008
Presentation has been in Zagreb’s swimming pool Utrine. Diving club Geronimo from Zagreb and members of IAHD Adriatic presented the first Croatian licensed diver with spinal cord injury (SCI).  In the swimming ... more »
Second female diver with SCI in Adriatic region …
13. 09. 2008
In following articles (news & movies)) we’ll try to present you second female diver in Adriatic region that pushed the limits of SCI divers on the level beyond your imagination. She proved that with systematic work and on the first place with assistance ... more »
Diving in Kostrena, Croatia
31. 08. 2008
The last weekend in August Yoda, Rappaport, LG, Violla, Branko, Matjaž and Branka were diving in Kostrena in Croatia. In the see we met some huge shoals of fishes, two small octopuses, some big and a lot of small Scorpion fishes and a lot of snails.    ... more »
Wild desire
5. 08. 2008
... more »
IAHD Adriatic in Egypt
26. 05. 2008
HURGADA – In Slovenia Slovenian Diving Federation (SLOF00) was until now the only association having the certificate to train divers following the recommendations of CMAS. Now the International Societies Association IAHD Adriatic (SLOF01), which ... more »
Golden Membership Card for Professor Gosovic, MD, PhD
15. 03. 2008
Representatives of IAHD Adriatic visited member of Advisory Board, Prof. Stracimir Gosovic, MD, PhD, at his home in Split. For his priceless contribution they gave him a golden membership card.    ... more »
Mission snow or how to get to Neum
9. 03. 2008
Because the Bosnian do not know how to continue and go on, our famous president and I got unpossible mission to go to simposium in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The simposium had title How to go on. Our mission was to represent work of IAHD Adriatic ... more »



Production & design: Creativ, Novi mediji d.o.o.